
by Olivier de Decker

5 230€ raised
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  100% safe

Hey, salut!

Je pars le 10 mai prochain afin de parcourir une partie du chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle au départ de Léon. Je vais marcher du 10 au 26 mai et effectuer un peu plus de 400 km en allant au-delà de Saint-Jacques jusqu’à Fisterra. J’en profite donc pour soutenir cette association. Cette maladie touche ou a touché mon entourage proche et au-delà… J’ai donc simplement envie de mettre ma petite pierre à l’édifice. Je compte sur toi/vous ❤️.

Déjà merci🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Hey Hello!

I'm leaving on May 10 to walk part of the route to Santiago de Compostela from Léon. I will walk from May 10 to 26 and cover a little over 400 km going beyond Santiago to Fisterra. I am therefore taking this opportunity to support this association. This illness affects or has affected those close to me and beyond... So I simply want to do my part. I'm counting on you ❤️.

Thank you already🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


— Olivier

The Foundation, a registered charity set up by Dr Bernard Majoie in 2007, actively supports research efforts through the application of the principles of Venture Philanthropy, which combine a rigorous and professional approach with a generous spirit. A multidisciplinary team and a multidisciplinary network of experts assist project leaders.

Your donations will go entirely to the Fournier-Majoie Foundation (via the King Baudouin Foundation) and will be used to finance the development of innovative cancer treatments.

Donations (122)

122 magic donors are supporting "GoWithTheFlowToSantiago"
20 €
Benjamin  —  4 months ago

Great cause Oliver. My sister lost her cancel battle Dec 2 2023. And I have 3 other friends currently battling. Buen Camino!

40 €
Matthew  —  4 months ago

Go Ol

40 €
Ludovic  —  4 months ago
40 €
Daphné  —  5 months ago
40 €
Aline  —  5 months ago
50 €
Margaret  —  5 months ago

Congratulations Olivier on the challenge of walking the Pilgrim Route to Santiago for good cause. Bon courage! Margaret

40 €
Mrs  —  5 months ago
20 €
Jose  —  5 months ago
51 €
Nicole  —  5 months ago

Bonne route encore mon cher fils, Et devoir accompli.maman

50 €
Ombline  —  5 months ago
40 €
Gauthier  —  5 months ago
40 €
Cedric  —  5 months ago
20 €
Michiru  —  5 months ago
20 €
Sophie  —  5 months ago

Bravo Ol!

40 €
Nicolas  —  5 months ago